CurioCreatures About

“CurioCreatures” (2022) explores the idea of speculative and imaginative zoology, wherein extreme evolution or extreme adaptation has taken place deep into the future to combat the Anthropocene. This is a natural world where previously divergent creatures converge to create strange and unusual forms of life bordering on Science Fiction.

AK and JN WHO and WHY

“CurioCreatures” is a locative, interactive narrative created by digital artists Alinta Krauth ( and Jason Nelson ( With special thanks to Jay Younger and the Queensland Museum.

We created CurioCreatures to bring together our love of the natural world and wildlife around Brisbane, our worries about future climates and cities, and our love of collector cards and 19th century zoological drawings as two thematically similar yet opposing aesthetics that come together in our CurioCreatures taxonomy.

Find Them All! 15 CurioCreatures!

If you find all 15 creatures we will send you a special new CurioCreature! Just write down the names of all 15 of the CurioCreatures and send them in an email to the following email address:

That’s curio city creatures @ gmail, not just curiocreatures. The artists will then send you a previously unseen CurioCreature!

MAP and Additional Details Where are the CurioCreatures?

This map shows the locations of the CurioCreatures QR codes around Brisbane – or you can just wing it and go searching on your own! Once you’ve found one CurioCreature, you’ll be able to access the interface where this map and extra info can also be found.